Over the last few weeks, due to lack of money; I have been looking around the gameshops for some cheap titles to play. Not only due I get more games for less money,but also some of these games are of a higher quality than anything else of this generation.
But I have already discussed this in one of the previous blog entries, but I came across another gaming bargain this morning. As I was walking through the arndale centre on the way to uni, I had to go into gamestation to preorder a game. As I was leaving, I looked at a single shelf of previous generation titles that were going for next to nothing.
There was classic titles like Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Buture Bay for the Xbox for £2.99 and Psyconauts for £4.99. There was a lot of great games that nobody was buying, but they were on the bottom shelf right near the door so can you expect anything else. Along these goodies, there was, right at the back a copy of Beyond Good and Evil for the gamecube (My console of choice at the moment) for £12.99.
I know this is a lot of money for a game that came out in 2003, when compared to a 6 month old Xbox 360 title which would usually go for this ammount (Too Human Imparticular), but I think that this was a purchase not to be missed. This has got to be one of my favourite games due to its story, gameplay and rather enjoyable main characters. But I have never finished the title, which is a shame because I enjoyed it the first time through when I played it on the playstation.
I just hope that more people buy these games before they are all gone to a big warehouse somewhere to be kept in storage or even worse be destroyed. Also it is cheaper than buying off Ebay or Amazon, so more money can be in your account for future use.
I hope there will be more gaming bargins to be had over the year as there is nothing that I want to buy, but that is not always a bad thing because I can play the games that I have bought before but never finished, and this title will be at the top of the list.