Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Gamespotting 046 - An Eternal Update

The Easter Holidays are here finally and I can (for a few days at least) can have a break from everything and start to focus on the finishing line. I am focusing on finishing off my final project; concepting my two new projects for my portfolio (one being Eternal and A Second to be confirmed) and finally play some games which over the last few weeks is only becoming a luxury.

I have been purchasing games for the last few weeks but only managed to get a few of them; I managed to play a bit of the excellent Flower; Sun and Rain from the ever excellent Suda 51; The Orange Box to finally play Half Life 2 and its episodes and also Pokemon Soul Silver which comes out this Friday and everybody at uni is training up for over the Easter Break for a major on scale battle when we return.

I also have some books to read; but this cannot get in the way of the work which I must finis for when we go back; so if I get to play and read these items will be another story. So I will keep you updated when I have concepted Eternal some more (of which at the moment is in Alpha development) and hopefully it will go well.

If you would like to see some more posts of my gaming experiencing; I am writing for EternalGamerz.com at the moment and am uploading my articles daily so please visit the site and see what you think

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Gamespotting 045 - Its Eternal what we go through

Today has been a very important day within my Game Creation career as I have had an idea for a game. I know it is a bit of a shock for a games designer to create a game but it is like nothing I have ever designed before.

The inspiration for my Idea has come from two places which I have listened to today; First is the Destructoid Podcast (This Weeks Episode) when they were talking about the difficulty of various Boss Characters in games they have played before and how they defeated them; all having different styles and secondly Brenda Brathwaite's lectures about her collection of games known as "The Mechanic is the Message" and how they all affect how the player thinks about some truly horrible Story Elements such as a Train Driver taking Jews to Auschwitz in Train.

All these elements has me thinking; does the type of Game Player affect how the player would play not only the games mentioned in these examples; but all in games in general and with this has come the Birth of Eternal.

At the moment; Eternal is an additional piece to go into my Portfolio; but it is also an experiment to see me try and answer this question of Player Interaction with the product. it might have been done before; but this will be my attempt at it and hopefully it will pay off and be a nice addition to my Portfolio.

I will add more content to the blog when I have fully concepted the Idea but I want it to be a tribute to the ideals of Serious Games and what they are trying to achieve within the Industry.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Gamespotting 044 - I don't know about other people; but I like playing in the Heavy Rain

Like many gamers over the last few weeks; I have bought, played and finished in Heavy Rain and I must say I have enjoyed every second of the game from its detailed storyline; likeable characters and its everything has a consequence style of Storytelling has all combined to make a truly enjoyable gameplay experience. But after I have finished the game; I looked at the reviews from my favourite game sites and much like Heavy Rain; they all had different experiences with the title and liked it some places while hating it in others.

Destructoid's editors loved the game but questioned it's storyline; especially the Twist in the ending scenes of the game; while others loved its simplistic gameplay which did not interrupt the game's main focus of the storyline.

But personally; I found very little faults with the game and it immersed me deeply within its storyline which has not happened to me personally as a gamer since I first played Code Veronica on my beloved Dreamcast. Of Course there are a few problems with the game such as the sometimes jerky controls and some texture clashing with the camera; but at the end of the day I loved this game and what is trying to achieve within the Industry.

No other game for a long time has me truly worried about what will happen next within the game; no other game has had me clutching my SIXAXIS to try and complete the relevant cut scene in the right times; but also no other game has had me going to the top of my monitor and listening carefully for an audio clue to where to go next within the game's storyline and for that; I thank it for providing me with some great gaming time.

But it has provided me with a problem; now that I have played Heavy Rain, I am very intrigued to go back to Quantic Dream's previous title Fahrenheit and see if the gameplay from Heavy Rain stemmed from their previous work and I can go for the ride all over again. I hope it is not raining anywhey.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Gamespotting 043 - Happy Birthday Gamespotting (2010 - The Year of the Indie Title)

Hello all.

Well near enough this time last year; I started this thing which I call my Blog and even though the contributions to it have swung between regular and irregular, but I want to be the first to say Happy Birthday Gamespotting.

Now observing my gaming habits as well as the affairs within the Industry over the last 12 Months; it is weird how much my gaming taste has changed over the last 12 months with the first posts of the blog talking about the drought of titles within the Industry and me going back to older titles such as Beyond Good and Evil and Code Veronica to quench my Gaming Thirst and at this point of the year; I am overcome with the amount of quality titles which have found their way into my Disk Drives. Games like the absolutely amazing Mass Effect 2 and the not yet finished but is already amazing Heavy Rain, I am absolutely spoiled for choice.


If I could predict one thing for the upcoming year is that 2010 will be the year of the Indie Title; with a large amount of Indie titles breaking through to the other side of the Gaming Spectrum and receiving a lot of publicity and praise for their uniqueness; mark my words; Independent Games will be on the rise.

The following Indie Titles are ones which I think will do well this year; both on the consoles and on the PC.

Super Meat Boy!
VVVVVV (Six Vs I think it is spelt)

Well; I have enjoyed this year of gaming and as I sit here with my Party Streamer and Bottle of Magners; I say one again Happy Birthday and heres to another great year in gaming