As the second year of my university course is coming to a close; I decided to take it easy this afternoon and on a reccomendation by my tutor Alan; I went to a videogames exhibition at URBIS called Videogame Nation.
The exhibit is all about the rise of the British games industry; from the beginning of the late 70s with the rise of the Bedroom Programmer to modern day gaming at the end with the xbox 360s and Playstation 3s. Now as I am a full on Games Geek; I absolutly loved this exhibit, there was enough retro goodness to last me weeks with everything from Jet Set Willy, Atari Jaguars playing Tempest 2000, Lara Croft, Darwinia and Lemmings to name a few.
Also scatered around the exhibit floor was random telephone sets ranging from old style dial phones to old pay phones; each were playing audio interviews with various British gaming icons such as Toby Young and one of my heroes; Matthew Smith.
But the thing that I loved the most was that right in the middle of the exhibition floor is the cinema room which was playing video game media from the last 30 years and right at the end of the film was a full episode of Gamesmaster; I was instantly hooked in and stayed there mesmorised about something I watched religiously as a kid (They should bring this back so much,:)). Half an hour later; I started to move on before anything else came back onto the screen.
Also right at the end of the exhibit was a few games created by past members of my course which was the biggese suprise of all, seeing all these projects coming out of the blue.
Overall, I would highly reccomend going to the exhibit; it is £3 to get in; but it is worth getting the visiters pack from the guy at the desk which was a £5; but you do get a program for the whole thing which turns into a poster of old gaming covers (I chose the Matthew Smith cover) and a badge which does cost £2 by itself so it is worth going for that one. The only thing was that you might have to go again to get everything in as there is so much to see; but as people say. They don't make games like these anymore.
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