Well' this week has been a relaxing one and I have finally been able to catch up with some older games titles in my back catalogue; I have finally got round to re-playing Bioshock that I got with my copy of Mass Effect (15% completed and ashamed as have had it for a month) and finished Phoenix Wright 2 for my DS. I have also been doing a lot of blogging this week as I am currently writing three (This One, The One for My Dissertation and my Teaching Assignment Blog)
So when looking on the past posts from Blogger at my desk; I came across a Tv and Radio Blog from the Guardian talking about Charlie Brooker and the potential for his Awsome Wipe series to cover games as its next subject insted of the news and TV.
If this Gameswipe series were to happen; it would be the only Video Games Tv Program in the UK at the current time which will be amazing as there has been a drought of them for a while.
It has to go on the record and previously mentioned in a past post that I love Gamesmaster and do wish it was back on the screens insted of more boring cutting edge documentaries about something weird happening to people; but I also loved other games programs of yesteryear and watched them all.
There were the obvious ones like Gamesworld and Bits, but my two favoutite ones were VideoGaiden/Consolevainia and Re:Loaded. Re:loaded was on Channel M and was all filmed around manchester; it had features and also covered other gaming events such as an Indie Games convention and going into TV21 in the Northen Quarter to look at some of their older arcade machines; it was not only great community programming but great TV.
The same can be said for VideoGaiden with their programs being on The BBC; but only in scotland so has to go to some random Sky Chanel to watch it; but the format was the same and it ruled while it was one.
I even liked Gamezville and that was rearly bad (This was the show that had no propper gaming news and playing rearly crap games with the exception of a few titles like Marvel Vs Capcom.
But in all fairness; I suppose the games program has had its day as most gamers get their news of Gametrailers; Kotaku and other popular sites for their gaming news as they can refresh their content all the time for hardly any money. But I would love if programs like Gamesmaster and Re:Loaded would make a comeback; just for retros sake. Hell if they can rebrand the Mega Drive and re-release that; why can't they do the same for Gamesmaster.
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