Now I might annoy some people here; but I have changed the topic of my Dissertation research. It was originally going to be based around Gang Culture within games like Streets of Rage and Final Fight; but I have figured out that this Dissertation allows me the time to explore some of my favorite games in more detail and diffrent ways that I once thought.
So; my Dissertation is now called "Owning The Stardust Speedway" and I am going to research how Sonic The Hedgehog is portryed as a Capitalist character within the varios entrys in the series. I based this idea on the fact that Sonic has to collect "GOLDEN" Rings to gain protection against enemys and keep on going through the various levels and also collecting the mythicl Chaos Emerelds which will turn Sonic into Super Sonic; the unstoppable force that cannot be stopped.
There is also the fact that Dr Robotnik has large and obviosuly rather expensive robot servents such as Mecha Sonic and Sonics Robotic Twin; Metal Sonic.
I am looking forward th this research project and hope everybody can follow my progress along the way and I promice that I will not change the subject again.
You can find the link to the blog at the following link;
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