The easter break has already been good for me, have had a good rest and a catch up with my mates. Done a bit more uni work and watched a few films that have been gathering dust in my DVD collection for a while. (Mainly a Ghibli film, Ancherman and Sin City).
But on Friday, I bought a DSi. I was originally going to buy a DS Lite as they were cheaper; but I have been saving for one of these for a while and was especially temptep when I had a look at my friend Chris's One. I was instantly hooked with the new layout; the potential of the camera within the games to come and the Wii Esque shop which you could buy games. (Thanks Ninty by the way for the 1000 points for the online shop)
But most importantly I have finished Professor Layton and the curious village; which I reccomend everybody who has a DS should play as it is a very good game and combines puzzle games with that detective style of gameplay which combines very well.
But I have also got a few more titles to play in my newly regenerated collection such as Phoenix Wright 3: Trials and Tribulations, Bangi-O Spirits (Made by Treasure who rock. Gunstar Heroes is a great game by the way) and GTA: Chinatown Wars.
So I think that easter is sorted for me and can play some good games at the same time, just get all this work out of the way and we are sorted.
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