Not many gaming magazines get past their 200th issue, the only ones that I could think of were Gamesmaster and CVG when it was still a magazine. But on Thursday marks the release of issue 200 of EDGE magaazine.
Now to be honest here, I only started buying EDGE a few years ago. I was strictly a Gamesmaster fanboy and liked the cheat books and freebees that you got every month, but when I rearlised that I was 19 and buying a magazine aimed for the 9 - 18 age range; I made a brave decision to start buying another magazine.
I saw issues of Gamesmaster pass buy and I had not read them yet, but when I picked up EDGE for the first time a few weeks later, it quickly changed my mind about gaming journolism. I liked the way that they packed reviews, previews and articals about the games industry itself, and because it says VIDEOGAME CULTURE on the front cover, I feel like I was in the industry loop itself.
Now 200 issues later and a large pile of back issues getting larger every month, they still have the review magic and I am always hooked issue after issue. But not only is it their birthday issue, they have done a first for journolism and released a single cover with 200 different covers. Now other magazines like Empire and Q have released multiple cover issues before, but not on this large scale and the best thing is they are all unique covers.
The EDGE team has personally created 199 of the covers of the best playable games from their publishing lifespan ranging from Mario, Zelda, Half Life and even a Strider one (which I rearly want, either that or Beyond Good and Evil, Grim Fandango or Jet Set Willy), but there is a special #1 cover especially for EDGE subscribers which was created by Media Molecules using the Little Big Planet engine.
I am excited about this coming up on Thursday and just want to wish EDGE a happy 200th issue, hope you keep going till you're 400.
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