Now as everybody knows, it is mother's day on Sunday. So a few days ago, I went down to the shops to buy her a present for Mothers Day, she wants a new MP3 player and end up going on HMV on Market Street.
Now I wasen't rearly paying attention at the time (because I was listening to my Ipod with it a full blast, setting a good example there.) and as I was going in a saw a primary school kid with his mother walking out with a copy of Resident Evil 5 in his hands.
Now this game is an 18 rated game, even I think it gets a bit gory especially towards the end of the game and I have been playin games for a long time. But why do parents buy their kids games that clearly have an 18 rated sticker on them which on some of them takes up half the box. Is it to stop their nagging for the latest title, or just because they want I am not sure.
But for my history and analysis research for Uni at the moment, I am researcing Terrorism and came across a few quotes for the Games Industry ex-Darth Vader character Jack Thompson listing about how games would turn kids into killers and terrorists, but if kids are being introduced to these titles at such a young and also impressional age, what sort of impact would that have on them.
Now I'm not saying anything would happen to that kid or that he would emulate the game within the real world like from past examples in the media, but I think the parents and also the shops that sell these games must make it more aware about the content of these titles.
They don't put an 18 sticker on them for no reason and it is kind of annoying when you see this happen.
Sorry about that, back to normality for the next post
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