Well, I have not been on the internet as much this week as I have been doing History and Analysis work, so I thought I would turn on my Steam account to see what they have put on there over the last few weeks.
Now I know that every week, they have been offering huge discounts off their games such as Lost Planet: Extream Condition for £3.49 and Team Fortress 2 for £7.99. Now my computer cannot run games of that graphical power, so I have been downloading some little gems of their such as Uplink and Darwinia.
But To my amazement today, they are offering both Oddworld: Abe's Oddessy and Abe's Exoddus for the small price of £2.25. Now you cannot buy these titles for cheaper and in my opinion are some of the best titles on there at the moment. The only thing is that they haven't got my favourite Oddworld title which is Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath which combines a first person shooter and adds a crossbow with live animal ammo which creates some truly unique gameplay.
I am glad these titles are on here for all the world to enjoy, and because it is the only Oddworld games still availible as they went bust a few years ago.
But be quick, if you want these titles; you can only get them for the weekend and then they go back up their respected prices, so cash out the equilivent of a week on Warcraft and travel back to Oddworld even without the Stranger to help you through it.
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